Thursday, June 12, 2008

Grace After Midnight By Felicia "Snoop" Pearson

The most chilling chapter I have ever read in any book was in Felicia Pearson’s memoir. It was the chapter called, “That’s why they call it Grandma’s House.”

After reading that chapter I had to immediately close the book. Imagining what happened was horrific and I knew I needed to end my reading for that night.

I first picked up this book because I was a fan of HBO’s “The Wire” and the series had just ended.

I wanted to know how someone so young could fill up the pages of a memoir.

My interest was piqued and that began my quest of finding out about this character they called, “Snoop.”

What I respected about her memoir was her honesty. No pretenses, no dressing it up—just plain truth.

This memoir takes you from the birth of “Snoop” who was a three pound cross-eyed crack baby. It takes you through her formative years, adolescence, to where she is today.

You are a fly on the wall of the life of an urban teenager growing up in the streets of East Baltimore.

Ms. Pearson grants you all access to her life. She shares her sexuality, her criminal past, her heartbreaks, and her loves.

This is a gritty in your face memoir well deserving of a read.