Monday, November 10, 2008

Foreclosure is imminent so would it be possible to walk away from your home?

Are you one of many that is facing or considering foreclosure on your home? Have you ever heard about walking away from your home? I haven’t heard of this concept until I discovered this company called YouWalkAway.

Imagine being able to stay in your home for eight months or more and not having to pay a penny. They can help stop those harassing phone calls from mortgage companies. This service will provide a personalized plan just for you. You get a consultation with a real estate attorney in your state and you may even receive up to $5000 dollars towards your moving expenses. And what I found that was instrumental is that you get a YouWalkaway advocate to assist you throughout the entire process.

They offer a Forensic Loan Document Review to investigate your existing loan agreement. This technique is used to comb through your loan document with a fine tooth comb. They are looking for anything that that isn’t in line with the Truth in Lending Act that you signed. If something isn’t correct, something as little as being overcharged on your final Hud-1 document there might be a violation. This violation can give you some leverage when applying for a Home Loan Modification to improve your existing loan. In order to work with homeowners because of a hardship the lender may modify the existing loan.

You will need Foreclosure Protection to make sure that your lender follows all the laws in your state. Foreclosing on a home is a very strict procedure. It’s important to have someone on your side to help make sure that none of your rights are being violated.

YouWalkaway has been featured in several publications and news programs such as ABC News Now and CNBC. What I like about this program is that they offer a 100% Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.

If you think this might be something for you weigh your options, investigate, and find out if you qualify. And remember always be smart in whatever you do.